Contact this IME Doctor
- Company: Auto Injury Management Group @ Complete Care Health Services
- Phone: (303) 985-0646
- Cell: (720) 375-1057
- Fax: (303) 985-3834
- Website: ABetterBackClinic.com
Specialty 1: Chiropractic
Specialty 2: Neurophysiology
Keywords/Search Terms: Automotive, Independent Medical Examinations, Accident reconstruction, Brain injury medicine, Diagnostic radiology, Orthopedics - Non-Surgical, Fraud, Physical Therapy, Pain Management, Neurophysiology, Legal Medicine, Massage, Spine Medicine & Spine Care, Chiropractic neurology, Insurance colossus. 40+ years working with hundreds of legal firms both in and out of the state of Colorado, still actively practicing and serving as a med-legal consultant, lecturer, and educator
Medical School: Southwestern University of Health Science
License(s): CO
Years in Practice: 41
Experience:- 12 years performing IMEs
- 250 IMEs performed
- Deposed/Testified 9 times
IME Certification: CICE and FSBT(c)
IME Training: ABIME
Additional Information
A niche factor: that with chiropractic care exceeding 60% of treatment provided for accident-related injuries, having an experienced chiropractic physician—“a like professional”—with expanded postgraduate education reviewing cases that integrate chiropractic modalities, makes the determination of medical necessity and reasonable/customary continuity carry much more weight than expert medical opinions from professionals outside the chiropractic field. Expertise in case audits and reviews stems from knowledge of injury causation, demonstrative evidence, and functional losses. I have been presented for voir dire by the courts as an expert witness and have provided medical opinions based on an understanding of trauma care documentation and knowledge of the biomechanics of injury. This includes spinal trauma pathology, ligament anatomy, injury research, spinal kinematics, the biomechanics of traumatic disc bulges, age dating of herniated disc pathology, spinal biomechanical engineering, and spinal biomechanics in trauma. Expert medical opinions arise from an understanding of trauma care documentation and knowledge of the biomechanics of injury, gained through the completion of coursework programs such as Auto Accident Crash Dynamics/Biomechanics by Dr. Arthur Croft of the Spine Research Institute, Independent Chiropractic Examiner through the sponsorship of Marshall University, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, by the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners, and graduate studies in biomechanics from the University of Mississippi. Academic Fellowship in Spinal Biomechanics and Trauma from the joint sponsors of Cleveland University – Kansas City and the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Enhanced knowledge of trauma diagnosis and care includes serving as a team physician for semi-professional and professional sports teams, including currently the Colorado Rush and extended faculty- Parker University