Contact this IME Doctor
- Company: Health Advise
- Phone: (319)231-1819
Specialty 1: Pulmonary Medicine - Disease
Specialty 2: Sleep Medicine
Medical School: Yale School of Medicine
Years in Practice: 43
Additional Information
Steven M. Brown, MD, brings over 30 years of experience in medical legal medicine and clinical experience to HealthAdvise. A graduate of Princeton University and Yale University, Dr. Brown is currently in private practice. He splits his time between outpatient pulmonary and sleep medicine in Southern Maine, critical care telemedicine management in St. Louis, and teaching internationally on a variety of topics in pulmonary and infectious disease medicine. He is also an affiliate professor of medicine at Yale. In pulmonary medicine, Dr. Brown has served in leadership positions for the American College of Chest Physicians, where he had also edited papers in pulmonary and sleep medicine and moderated sessions at international meetings. Areas of special interest have included COPD, occupational asthma, reactive airways disease (RADS), sick building syndrome, mold exposure, pulmonary embolism, thoracic trauma, asbestosis, coal miners’ pneumoconiosis, infectious lung diseases, lung cancer screening, antimicrobial stewardship, insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, and drowsy driving. Actively licensed in 13 states (California, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Missouri, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Michigan, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maine, New York, and North Carolina), he travels to perform Independent Medical Examinations. He is previously licensed in an additional dozen states. Dr. Brown has given courtroom testimony about 30 times since the late 1980s (a fairly equal mix of plaintiff and defense) and he has been deposed about 80 times. He performs file reviews almost weekly, often opining on the relatedness and medical necessity of diagnostic studies and procedures, hospitalizations, and therapeutic interventions. He relies on his training and extensive experience, the medical literature, and various guidelines including the AMA and ODG guidelines.