Contact this IME Doctor
- Company: California Rehab Physicians
- Phone: (949) 290-5053
Other Locations: Sacramento / Central Valley, CA / Reno / Northern California
Specialty 1: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Physiatry
Specialty 2: Brain Injury Medicine
Keywords/Search Terms: Dr. Neudorf is Dual Boarded in PM&R and Brain Injury Medicine, with 10+ years experience managing traumatic brain injury, stroke, nontraumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, musculoskeletal injury, non-surgical orthopedics, non-surgical spine, and complex polytrauma. Additionally he is a QME for State of CA and a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP). He provides thorough, defensible IME reports and life care plans, and is poised and articulate in testimony.
Medical School:
License(s): California
Additional Information
-Board Certified in PM&R and Brain Injury Medicine -Fellow of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (FAAPMR) -Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP) -Qualified Medical Examiner for the State of CA (QME) -Sacramento Top Doctor 2022