Contact this IME Doctor
- Company: Center For Sports Orthopaedics, PC
- Phone: 630-939-1081
- Cell: 630-939-1081
- Website:
Other Locations: Carol Stream, IL
Specialty 1: Orthopedic Surgery
Specialty 2: Hand Surgery
Keywords/Search Terms: All Upper Extremity Conditions from Hand to Shoulder and Cervical spine conditions. Previous Certification in the AMA guides 6th edition and can provide Impairment ratings accordingly
Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin
Years in Practice: 25
Experience:- 11 years performing IMEs
- 3000 IMEs performed
- Deposed/Testified 100 times
IME Certification: IAIME/AADEP
IME Training: ABIME
Additional Information
I am performing IME and records reviews for Illinois and Wisconsin Jurisdictions. I am experienced in providing Impairment rating in Illinois using the AMA guides 6th ed. I am experienced in providing Permanent Partial Disability ratings in Wisconsin using the Wisconsin Administrative Code DWD 80.32 Permanent Disbilities